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*Please note: Accounts may take up to 12 hours following a donation before advance access is activated. We encourage new donors to pledge their support early to ensure pre-booking is possible during the Priority Booking period. When purchasing tickets, donors will need to sign-up/login using the same email address as the initial donation.
Gifts & Wills
Remembering Vancouver Fringe in your will is a wonderful way to pass your passion for live theatre onto the next generation.
Since 1985, audiences have come together at the Fringe – a meeting ground for artists and audiences alike, and a place of joy, discovery and adventure. For over 35 years, we’ve enjoyed the generous support of so many people, whether as audience members, artists, staff (both past and present), or by involvement through sponsorship and as one of our cultural partners.
Others have been so touched by what they have experienced with us that they’ve made a commitment to leave a gift in their will to Vancouver Fringe. Legacy gifts, large and small, have helped continue to inspire communities across the city, and is something we continue to build on as we head towards the launch of a new strand for developing artists. Together, we can touch people’s lives in so many ways, and any gift could be directed towards an area of work that specifically interests you. Alternatively, it could be an unrestricted donation, helping us direct your support where it is needed most.
When you’re ready to make your gift, ensure your lawyer has this information:
Get in touch
For more information on sponsorships and support please get in touch with Tess Conrad at