Rita Sheena is ready to move audiences with dance theatre and the beauty of Leonard Cohen’s lyrics this Vancouver Fringe.
Briefly introduce yourself/your company…
Rita Sheena is a dance theatre artist in Vancouver who loves Leonard Cohen, the stage, and emoting feelings to strangers.
What is it that makes your work/company unique?
It’s the exploration process in dance theatre — the transformation of characters with storytelling through the body, which invokes the theme of the body itself. We are designed for divinity and grace, but also with the potential for destruction.
What kind of experience do you hope audiences will have during your show?
A connection to an esoteric memory, perhaps? Maybe a classic Leonard Cohen line like, “she shows you were to look amongst the garbage and the flowers”, triggers a feeling of freedom or ease…
Without spoilers, tell us what you think audiences will remember most about your show…
Blurring the lines between dance and pedestrian movement, as inspired by the words of Leonard Cohen and music of First Aid Kit.
How do you feel about participating in the 40th anniversary of the Vancouver Fringe!?
THRILLED! Whether as a performer or volunteer, I LOVE the Vancouver Fringe. It’s the highlight of my summer, and a great party
Tickets for ‘EVERYBODY KNOWS: Leonard Cohen Dance Theatre’ on sale now, taking place at Ballet BC from 5 – 15 Sep. Book your spot today for just $18 per person